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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. His van is just out of shot.
  2. I identify as someone with moderator buttons.
  3. @zzzak, it’s time you started your education. There are no black people and white people, we are all the same colour, just some people are more melanin deficient than others. Don’t worry, I don’t judge you for your inferior melanin though. I judge you because you are a bellend.
  4. I was born in the U.K. but I am significantly darker than most of you lot especially when I get in the sun, due to my ethnic mix.
  5. He escaped to New Zealand? A chicken thief and an absconder.
  6. I think you mean "asshole".
  7. Give a car a fish and it is smelly for a while. Teach a car to fish and I have no idea where this is going.
  8. You answer a question, how many chickens did your great great grandfather steal to get sent to the penal colonies and do you ever get the urge to steal chickens yourself, or is your thieving instinct satisfied with stealing the land of the indigenous population?
  9. My name isn’t “Buckley”. You are still a retard.
  10. I live in Scotland you fucking retard.
  11. 40 or so with the mind of a 10 year old, @Six30 likes him for his mind.
  12. That twat will never reach 60.
  13. How do the cans sound?
  14. Just to clarify, when I say “Pete” what I really mean is the Chinese clone we have here, I had @zzzak look into things and it turns out that the Rothschilds had the real Pete assassinated during the pandemic and replaced him with a Chinese manufactured clone, initially it seems the same but then you start noticing subtle differences like the slitty eyes and the love of Chinese motorcycles.
  15. Pete has spoken to me and asked me to add another rule. I shit you not. I told him to bog off.
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