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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. https://youtu.be/URz-RYEOaig?si=nRoM701MKiteSint
  2. Should be at least 20
  3. I don’t know why I bother with you losers, I post epic ride reports with critical facts and you lot just fail to appreciate it.
  4. Buckster


    That explains it then.
  5. Buckster


    Did you hurt him emotionally? I know you two had “a thing”.
  6. Pedro could be your new BFF.
  7. I've been robbed again, BOTM is shit.
  8. I’ve forgotten how to change the picture.
  9. Buckster


    That's pretty much what I thought.
  10. Buckster


    So what colour is it under the plastic?
  11. Buckster


    I wonder what the real colour is? Maybe we should start a poll.
  12. Buckster


    It’s a bold move, buying a bike in a twat colour scheme.
  13. Buckster


    @Six30 is starting his campaign early to keep his TOTY title.
  14. I think I will change your forum name to Marcel le retard.
  15. I said it still used mineral esters, you really are a complete retard. Stop trying to engage in conversation that is clearly beyond you, stick to fondling moose and getting bummed by Billybob.
  16. Did you read the first line or was it to complicated to comprehend for your monkey brain?
  17. You’re the idiot here, but you think wrenches and hammers are the same thing.
  18. I know exactly what synthetic oil is, synthetic is a specification based on the molecular compound, it’s is still made using mineral esters but the way they combine makes it synthetic. I could explain the chemical process to you but you already don’t understand what I am saying so it’s pointless.
  19. Buckster


    It was too much bike for him plus it was not in a gay enough colour scheme unlike the one he bought.
  20. Buckster


    I’ve seen those bottles, I bought a proper snow foam bottle for the pressure washer but I haven’t tried it yet, the basic one with the Bosch is okay but you cannot adjust the mix on the fly.
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