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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. There is only one and there is only one mediator between man and God.
  2. Why were you looking at his arse? Don't answer that.
  3. Where does this idea of billions of years come from? Even using faulty science the maximum age that can be attributed to organic material using carbon 14 dating in 50,000 years. As for radiometric dating, it has aged 50 year old rock from lava deposits as being 3.5 million years old and brand new rock as being over a quarter of a million years old. The only reason you believe in evolution is that someone told you it was true, you have no first hand experience of it and no one else does either. So you have to use something else to believe it. Faith. Science is your religion and it gives you a false impression that you can be self determining. I have faith is something I experience every day, God. I have no need to be self determining because God is sovereign and immutable. So there you have it monkey boy.
  4. With the pressure washer, Polar Blast as the pre wash then Polar Wash for the main wash. Use a 1:5 ratio for the Polar Blast when adding to your reservoir and 1:1 for the Polar Wash.
  5. Just one? There should be hundreds of thousands. What about a transitional fossil between ape and man, come on monkey boy!
  6. Which is exactly what you would expect someone promoting the lie of evolution to say.
  7. Post some evidence of transitional fossils. I’ll wait.
  8. Don’t worry, there are already a lot of posts planned.
  9. He did get blamed for that. Unexpectedly.
  10. Too late, I have to flood everywhere on the forum with all things trailer now.
  11. Everyone in the world gets to benefit from the excellence of Harley Davidson.
  12. I have a casting vote which makes it a draw, so I called my mum. She said you are all cunts and I should educate you by posting lots of trailer stuff all over the forum. My mum has a way with words, she went to college.
  13. Buckster


    Your bike looks like that underneath where you can’t see it. You need one of these.
  14. How many do you need for fresh pants? We may be able to crowd fund.
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