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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Have you got the latest version and have you tried using a different server?
  2. Buckster

    Sin bin?

    A place where old useless threads and anything posted by zzzak gets sent to die.
  3. I think we may need a sin bin where old and shite threads are sent to die. Trailers are not gender fluid by the way, they are intensely masculine as proven by the fact that I have one.
  4. You have said that previously and that is what puts me off, maybe the finish will improve over time, I’ll keep watching. If I bought one it would primarily be a winter bike so the finish is important.
  5. I know, yet I keep looking at them. It’s your fault.
  6. Which VPN provider are you using?
  7. Must be all the rough sex with your faggot friends.
  8. His alleged bike is “unridable”. He won’t say how many years it has been like that.
  9. Good for the deep state to hide trackers underneath as well.
  10. Do you have Easter in South America?
  11. That’s because twats have top boxes and you’re a twat.
  12. Oh I see, you have an unridable bike. How many years has it been like that?
  13. Just post a picture of yourself with the bike out on a ride with something to prove it is current.
  14. Better than France anyway or they would stay there.
  15. Just a specialist section, that's all.
  16. Everyone is wrong except zzzak.
  17. Looks like a random image off the net.
  18. You don't even own a bike.
  19. I wonder what @zzzak has to say about this.
  20. I can see the need for this new section.
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