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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Well that’s it, everyone still hates @Six30 Well done @boboneleg
  2. Pretty sure West End is still going strong.
  3. @Slowlycatchymonkey stop hacking @Six30’s account.
  4. Did I mention that if it is a draw I have the casting vote?
  5. I heard you take it sideways.
  6. I might have to lock it early and do some covert adjustments.
  7. A loss for Pete then, he is about 4’6”
  8. I’m not going there, if she sees this she will end you.
  9. So is the wife going on the back or is the backrest for the midgets to brace against when they are bumming you?
  10. I have a red U.K. passport, I will take it with me on Sunday when I head to Wales just in case. Twats!
  11. Looks ideal for people scared to tune their bike, I wonder who I could be thinking of.
  12. That’s the government death vaccine kicking in.
  13. Definitely some “slip and slide” going on.
  14. You are only voting for him because you are lovers.
  15. I will watch out for whicker men.
  16. Come on folks, get those Harley votes in, we are very close to ending up with Rolf Harris on the front page.
  17. Did your wife give you permission to post that?
  18. Maybe that’s why you turned gay.
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