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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Picking up my trailer next week.
  2. He obviously asked his wife what I meant.
  3. They are made in the BMW factory in China now.
  4. The quality of that image is way too low to use.
  5. The dangers of buying a Honda.
  6. You have just confused him.
  7. If you photoshop it out I will ban you.
  8. Moderator decision is final. Get with the program bitch!
  9. No, it’s just the place is boring as fuck, as you will find out when you have your dirty cave weekend with @busabeast
  10. BOTM picture discussion, follow this link you sad people..
  11. As I am a benevolent dictator I have set this thread up so you can post pictures of your bikes and Royal Enfield’s from this month to discuss which you might enter into BOTM.
  12. Buckster

    NASA photo

    So the photo is from nearly 5 years ago and shows an iceberg that broke away from the ice shelf the previous year and this proves what? That it was cut off using a space laser to fool people into believing global warming is real not fake. Not only that but the picture is being provided by the very same people in control of the space laser and the authors of the global warming hoax?
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