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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. We have a few groups of local Ned’s that use electric bikes now rather than scooters for their criminal activities, a lot of these things will do 70+, they are unregistered of course and the yoof wear balaclavas. Of course the police are not allowed to chase them in case they fall off and get hurt. I’m guessing they are bought with ill gotten gains or stolen.
  2. Don’t talk about tuning shit, you will scare the resident pussy.
  3. Not me, I’m at the pinnacle, I have a trailer.
  4. There is no status in munter life, she will just be one of many in the shade.
  5. She is a fat ugly munter, she won’t fair well in a cosmopolitan city.
  6. Are you going to give her to the midgets?
  7. In my leopard skin mankini no less.
  8. I’m watching a tv program on UFO’s, very convincing, it’s unfortunate that they are always filmed by people that are unable to focus their cameras. The special guests are fucktards totally believable. They remind me of someone.
  9. Don’t confuse her lady brain.
  10. Pissing down here, I was going to go for a ride this afternoon but there you go.
  11. It is the delayed groan than I like.
  12. Scotland isn’t part of that trial.
  13. They are illegal here but unless the police do something people will continue to use them.
  14. It’s only a matter of time before the deviant behaviour starts.
  15. They are road vermin, they are everywhere.
  16. Except it is now classed as a ginger STD.
  17. That’s how the Yersinia pestis starts.
  18. No, it’s just the Latin name for something wonderful.
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