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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Humanity has ended, the over use of fossil fuel has led to people becoming retarded enough to think they can change gender.
  2. You have posted this in general chat you knobend.
  3. That’s why women shouldn’t be in charge, it is against the natural order of things.
  4. Well I tidied my shed. Now have the bike battery on charge and am enjoying this.
  5. and he died in a toilet, what can we learn from this?
  6. More your wheelhouse as a fellow Honda bum pilot.
  7. You’re going to get bummed.
  8. Deaf is an advantage with two women.
  9. If you over stretch a spring you will end up wrecking it or you could have it break will you a riding which could bring things to an abrupt end. Not worth it.
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