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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. He was riding a bicycle, don’t encourage the twat, even if he is your gay lover.
  2. I heard they let porters operate on them.
  3. That’s better than most of the roads in Edinburgh.
  4. Unless something goes wrong, then they split you open like a water melon.
  5. See how happy Pedro is? That’s down to serious modding by me.
  6. They already have and they agree.
  7. So basically the equivalent of me over here then.
  8. You need to learn how to ride you knobend.
  9. 16 minutes of looking at your arse? Fuck off.
  10. I installed it in my Scorpion Exo Tech this morning, sound quality seems excellent, I think I need to reposition the cable for the microphone as the wiring is a bit loose but otherwise it’s all good. I can listen to music from Sons of Anarchy while riding now, I’m a fucking legend.
  11. I moonlight as a Spanish surgeon so you will be in good hands, shaky hands but good hands nevertheless, I’ve never lost a patient, I know which morgue to find each one in.
  12. I enhanced the picture and something looks familiar.
  13. I’m always invited, even when I’m not.
  14. That would be like something out of Deliverance, no thanks.
  15. Somewhere warm, this winter is never ending.
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