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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. We are getting a new reviewer, a friend of Pete. Mike Oxsmorle
  2. My youngest has a new boyfriend, time for a visit to Kent.
  3. And then we have to call you Roberta?
  4. Scottish Motorcycle Show tomorrow, will be checking out the McHaggis special.
  5. No snow here but it’s bitch ass cold.
  6. Buckster


    I wouldn’t have reached adulthood.
  7. If you want a social club then start a social club. The church is supposed to fulfill a different purpose.
  8. No, it’s the only way you will get a female to touch your junk, so we understand.
  9. The scriptures are immutable.
  10. Women cannot be pastors, the holy scriptures are clear on this, yes men and women are equal but they are also different and as such have different but equally important roles in the church.
  11. On a real bike you just need the key to unlock the ignition, after that it stays in your pocket.
  12. Here you go Marcel, this is the kind of shit that Pete has inappropriate dreams about.
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