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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Scottish Motorcycle Show this weekend, I think I will go on Saturday. Its been years since I have been to a Motorcycle show.
  2. Same here, its a balmy -4c here this morning.
  3. And behind the radiator. The older ones are below the cylinders on the front of the engine, crank driven and behind a cover that is directly in airflow. It will be interesting to see if this turns out to be this engine designs weakness.
  4. Buckster

    Me again.

    Carbon dating has already been proved to be flawed, there is nothing to support the supposed scientific age of the earth. Darwin threw a notional age of the earth into his theory of between 20 million and 400 million years but as evolution later proved impossible to prove, scientists started adding time to make the process of evolution more credible until we reached the current scientific estimate of 4.5 billion years. Yet still evolution is unproven.
  5. Buckster

    Me again.

    The Hebrew word “tanniyn” occurs 28 times in the Old Testament, meaning “a mysterious creature resembling a giant reptile”.
  6. A little one then. When I was in GA the ones there were like small trucks.
  7. They are looking at making MOT’s every two years in the U.K.
  8. I’m on the sauce so if I get abusive you know why.
  9. The thread title is a bit misleading, I thought when I read it that the French were wanting me to teach my trail braking masterclass over there.
  10. Buckster

    Me again.

    I didn’t used to, like you I had decided it was silly, but here we are, my personal experience and objectivity have led to my belief.
  11. They will be burning all sorts of shit, the news will be entertaining for a while and the government will wax on about violent biker gangs and France will turn into a shithole for anyone that rides a bike.
  12. Exactly what I was thinking.
  13. Disappointed to see no mention of torsional deformation.
  14. Good to see government protecting people from themselves.
  15. Buckster

    Me again.

    The problem of course is that you have already decided what you want to believe about this so you are entirely subjective and are quite prepared to ignore any and all evidence that does not agree with your desired narrative. You have zero objectivity. Of course it is all rooted in your desire of self worth where you can be seen as “enlightened” or “wise” to your peer group. However once outside of that group you just look like a crackpot and a stupid cunt.
  16. This is what the dampener looks like.
  17. Shitting in the garden?
  18. Buckster

    Me again.

    It’s a form of hero worship.
  19. Harold Shipman would have sorted that out.
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