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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. You seem to have first hand knowledge.
  2. We don't have vestries, that's Rome again, and that lot have a track record of that kind of thing.
  3. I go to a reformed Baptist church.
  4. I disagree with gay sex, I consider it unnatural and against God's plan for people. But I also think Christian morality is for Christian people therefore if non believers want to be gay then they can go ahead, I don't hate them for it.
  5. Nope, I hold to the scriptures, no rosary in there, that's part of the cult of Rome.
  6. There is no such thing as a good Christian, the Apostle Paul makes that very clear in the epistles.
  7. It's my Christian duty to care for drunks and hookers.
  8. I agreed with him. I'm super woke me.
  9. It just looks too delicate given the look of the rest of the bike.
  10. Seems like a regular thing for you, might be time for an intervention.
  11. I think it is another word for vagina.
  12. I think it is the front mudguard that upsets the aesthetics.
  13. Why did you have to pick a night when she was on the sauce?
  14. I can take it, so to speak. You on the other hand, well let's face it, you're a two faced cowbag. You try to pretend that everyone else is prejudiced but the reality is you can't get past your own. That's called hypocrisy.
  15. How long is the supplied spring?
  16. Says the religious intolerant bint in the corner.
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