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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Buckster


    Shut up Fred.
  2. I think it comes with a bag.
  3. Buckster


    DNA evidence is useless in Wales.
  4. He has a proctologist appointment.
  5. He couldn’t sit down for weeks.
  6. Buckster


    Damn right, Honda riders are the only ones that ride bitch on the front of their other half’s bike.
  7. Buckster


    Be careful not to get the hair dryer too close to your helmet.
  8. Sounds like you are desperate to justify yourself.
  9. He is too much of a pussy for that, he isn’t even going to tune it, he will be fitting a sidecar next.
  10. It was eligible when it was entered and won so it stays.
  11. No they go out sunbathing.
  12. That’s going to be a world of difference, beware of midgets in remote areas.
  13. Don't forget the Midgeta Bumholio 350
  14. Six has been in the park again. https://www.facebook.com/reel/550829077064062?s=yWDuG2&fs=e
  15. Just been told by a friend that inside the alloy box this is identical to the Rocky Creek pump.
  16. Just tested it and it works great, maybe your Windows mobile phone is struggling.
  17. Probably wouldn’t be enough ball room.
  18. I definitely wouldn’t share his jeans.
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