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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Chopstick Jim would have had a recipe for that, what do you say @XTreme?
  2. I use them and I am a qualified electronics engineer so go figure.
  3. I just feel sorry for the poor guy. Pete isn’t anyones master, he’s ginger.
  4. A pound and a half of Hindu Kush will do that for you.
  5. You think you are descended from monkeys, sounds about right in your case.
  6. You only have personal talks with children though.
  7. He sounds pretty much pussy whipped from what you have said on here.
  8. I can see I am going to need to have a talk with your husband about your reprehensible conduct.
  9. Hard to believe that Zzzak posted something that was bullshit (again).
  10. You need to get that woman under control, you have obviously given her far too much freedom, you need to remind her of her proper place.
  11. I bet you watched it.
  12. Are you mad!? I didn’t even click on it.
  13. 9 hours of you shutting the fuck up? Your other half must think Christmas arrived early.
  14. Given what happens in gravel you may as well just throw your bike down it.
  15. WOTY? He would face some “stiff” competition from Marcel on that one.
  16. You’re right, he’s a twat.
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