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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. He’s so happy, wait until he farts, Yens would need an exhaust vent.
  2. NRA rally next week in Chesapeake.
  3. Spend three days with him and we won’t see him for fifteen years.
  4. Are you having Marcels baby? I bet it will be hairy and not have opposable thumbs.
  5. Actually I whupped your hairless monkey ass. Turns out you still have a chimp brain.
  6. Because midgets can only do 14kph.
  7. So according to Marcel this is proof of genetic evolution. If you are genetically inferior of course you would end up with this. I wonder where they are popular? @XTreme
  8. I would add that they would adapt to the cold in the same way anyone does. They would wear a bigger coat..
  9. 100,000 years is older than the universe, but yes, if they had a viable breeding population and did not intermix with other peoples then other than their skin lightening due to a decreased need for melatonin then yes they would look the same.
  10. Go into a crowded room, see if there are two faces the same, people come in many different shapes and sizes, people go darker in the sun, some people are ginger and don't have a soul, some are fat polish munters, some are tall handsome bearded Harley riders, some Harley riders are bald with turkey necks. People group together in family and extended communities so end up looking similar to one another in regional and national levels. It is simple diversity.
  11. Well given that I had talked about Christ extensively before you asked if my experience came with a particular God attached or if I went boutique shopping afterwards, I viewed the question as disingenuous. Now that you have clarified where you are coming from I can see that it was based on the many mixed messages you received earlier in life. There is a lot I could unpack from your response but I will surmise to say that out of all these people not one of them was practicing genuine faith, they may have attached a label to themselves but it was no more genuine than the current transsexual thing, self identification does not truth make. In answer to your final question, yes I believe all other faiths are wrong. I’ve answered everyone’s questions and in the scheme of the forum rules I think it is best to leave it there. You are just going to have to accept there is a crazy Christian in your midst and you voted him in as moderator. There are plenty here that already knew that about me.
  12. Well I’m convinced, convinced that the guy has some pretty good software.
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