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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Considering you have already admitted to never reading it and the fact I'm very familiar with it, I'm looking forward to hearing which verse you are referring to.
  2. Are the red bits all the bits you have visited? Asking for a friend..
  3. I had a vision of Christ when I was 26, before that I was the same as you and thought I was superior to Christians and like you I sought to mock them. Of course the reality is that I was living a futile life and my “superiority” was a merely a mask for my fear of my own mortality and the reality that in the back of my mind, despite being atheist, that there was something that was true about Christianity. I just didn’t understand it so like anyone that was confused and afraid I attacked it, so giving the false outward appearance that I wasn’t afraid of it. God isn’t something you can shop for, despite the fact that man has invented many versions in an attempt to remake god in a form that agrees with man, there is one God and one Salvation in Christ alone.
  4. This is true, however actual experience of God proves God, no one has ever experienced evolution, the Big Bang, light speed travel etc. etc. Plenty of people including me have experienced God.
  5. Dude just got slain in the spirit, hallelujah!
  6. Fucking basketball players, they need to get their shit together.
  7. But instead it ended up on the front page of this shit hole.
  8. The vikings were intelligent enough to convert to Christianity. It seems the literacy hasn’t improved though.
  9. Mankind wants to be the author of its own destruction and God has allowed that to be the case but there is salvation available for all those who would believe and accept the freely given grace of Christ, all one needs to do is have faith, repent and be baptised for the remission of sins.
  10. Exactly, give them a turnip and they will do anything for you.
  11. My bike is exempt, they don’t seem to have picked up on the fact that it is an import and does not meet the emissions criteria, they have just based it on age.
  12. Don’t bet on it, I live in Scotland, I know how to deal with gingers.
  13. He will be the the one that smiles when he hears the presenter say “well they need a miracle if they want to win this now”.
  14. Probably wanted to make sure the “ginger gringo demon” didn’t scare the kids, the parents already tell the stories about your exploits in the mountains where whole populations on towns have disappeared leaving only skeletons and dago midget bummer deviants. Stops the kids from wandering off at least.
  15. It looks like there is water on your panniers as well, don’t forget to get them to sort that out as well, possibly a warranty claim.
  16. Light years are a measure of distance not time, I’m glad you brought this up as applying Einsteins theory of special relativity as well as it’s interaction with general relativity we can theorise that light from distant stars may well travel to earth in only thousands of years due to the time dilation you speak of. Thanks for agreeing that the creation account in the bible is not only plausible but is possible. Now that we have cleared that up we can look at other factual bible accounts, so no Christ will not return like that, he will return as it is described in the scriptures, he will arrive unannounced, no one will know the time or the place. Eventually the whole bible account will be in this thread.
  17. It requires an assumption that all laws governing time and space have always been constant, even the Big Bang theorists don’t believe that. According to Einsteins theories light can flow at different rates under different circumstances. You are also assuming that the light we now see has arrived here by purely natural means despite the fact that God created the stars using supernatural means. You make other assumptions regarding synchrony convention as well. At the beginning of his book The God Particle, Nobel physicist Leon Ledermann [referring to cosmological speculations like the big bang in science books and articles] writes: “When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up.”
  18. I’m assuming that the smaller numbers here are supposed to represent miles even though you have annotated everything as “kms”. Ginger twat.
  19. What are they fixing today?
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