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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. How old were you when he had the accident?
  2. Buckster


    Buckster the King.
  3. Buckster


    I'm not a twat anymore, I am now BTK.
  4. I wouldn’t talk to a ginger taxi driver either.
  5. Now he is in a hedge as his arms are too stiff to steer with.
  6. We now know where the "crazy" came from.
  7. Buckster


    Let us know how it goes.
  8. Great for commuting but not much else.
  9. Dealing with death certificates is good cover for a serial killer.
  10. In other words don’t take the BMW.
  11. Isn’t this the plot for that movie where the serial killer is a nurse?
  12. No he calls it a talky box.
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