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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. That’s because you are a puff.
  2. He called someone a twat on Facebook, what an animal! Is he really the kind we want here?
  3. But does he realise his entire life is fucked now?
  4. So are you saying you want to accept the nomination?
  5. He is going to nick it.
  6. I could say I will pull out at the last moment but usually when I say that, I don't.
  7. You definitely squat a lot.
  8. It was YouTube embeds but it seems to have stopped now.
  9. Is anyone else seeing requests for captcha codes instead of what I assume are GiFs?
  10. How often did you take a floater and what did you do with them?
  11. Is this back when you were a toilet repair engineer?
  12. You need one mod, not two. You need someone with no ego, someone who hit rock bottom years ago and has accepted his lot, someone with a face that would curdle milk, someone who is only unstable when his peg leg is loose. You need @boboneleg
  13. You should talk to them both and if they agree, just appoint them, this is turning into a shit show.
  14. Give the examiner a hand job.
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