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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. To a gay minor attracted twat like you it is.
  2. Welsh to be more accurate.
  3. @XTreme why did you track down zzzak and invite him to join? You know he is a fruitcake and he was already off the rails at Maxbikes, he is even worse now. You also know that he brings out Tym’s worst qualities. Tym is bearable without zzzak but he is a fucktard when zzzak is spouting his crap. Zzzak isn’t a character, he is just a self medicating fruitcake who should be in an institution, the internet isn’t his friend and no one should encourage him to be online.
  4. Superb! Great to see a real motorcycle out and about.
  5. They look a bit like Tym.
  6. I thought it was a Third Reich appreciation forum.
  7. Bawdy humour is one thing but posting stuff with the intent to attack all people of specific ethnicity is just evil.
  8. Don’t worry that’s not an Adam’s apple, looks more like a goitre, certain people can’t tell the difference but then certain people are fucking idiots.
  9. Musk has one interest and one only, getting to Mars (which zzzack doesn’t think exists), so if he can save money at the expense of workers he couldn’t give a fuck. Musk is a cunt.
  10. Everyone who rides in Australia, New Zealand and South America and half the riders in the United States and the EU should ride electric bikes to help stem the problem of global warming and preserve fossil fuels for me to use in my Harley.
  11. Albanians are good at sending fingers.
  12. Could be a dismembered finger with a note. Are any of your relatives missing?
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