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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. The front page looks fucking amazing now, the best it has ever been.
  2. You will have lost your license by then, no license no entry, that’s the rule.
  3. Let’s face it, it’s an excellent picture. No competition really.
  4. The people have spoken and now this place is a real motorcycle forum.
  5. This place will be swimming in hot chicks in the next few days.
  6. So much negativity just because I went out of my way to take a picture that I thought my fellow forum members would appreciate.
  7. Icebergs are irrelevant to rising sea levels as they are already part of the sea, the deniers however conveniently ignore glaciers which exist on land and if they melt faster than they are replenished then they add to the volume of the oceans raising sea levels. If all the glaciers in the world were to melt it would raise sea level by about 200 feet.
  8. Almost stops you being a homo, almost.
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