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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Buckster

    Uber IQ

    I thought you just needed to smoke a shit ton of weed to make you super intelligent?
  2. Buckster


    Looks like a gimp.
  3. Buckster

    Uber IQ

    And shortly thereafter you get a “ride”…
  4. I hope you get the electric chair you vile criminal.
  5. Trip to Vesuvius, not photoshopped in anyway of course. Or the Mussel Bike shot. I think it will have to be this one.
  6. Did you tell them you are minor attracted?
  7. Running the gauntlet is part of the entry process.
  8. Buckster


    Didn't teach Bob.
  9. he will be around more now the schools are back.
  10. I had a heart felt plea from Six today and being the kind considerate sort that I am I have decided to repeat it here for everyone so we can all extend the same kindness to him. He has said he is feeling bullied and misunderstood and begs us all to stop calling him that hurtful word “paedophile” and I agree. He has therefore requested that from now on we refer to him by his proper description and the latest group to accepted into the embrace of the new woke society. Minor Attracted.
  11. Buckster


    Did someone say “top box”?
  12. Buckster


    Was that Mawsley?
  13. Drink spiller more likely.
  14. I doubt they will be able to understand you, we have known you for decades and we still struggle.
  15. No need, I’m like fine wine, I just get better and tastier as I age.
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