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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Could be worse, I saw three castles yesterday and I did less than 100 miles, I'm sick of the damn things, they are everywhere.
  2. Tippy toes, what a short arse.
  3. So what are you lot doing, the weather forecast isn't good here but I have loads to do anyway, not limited to getting a picture of our new Prime Minister up in the library next to the picture of the King. Oh I just realised, I don't have a library. I'll have beer instead.
  4. He doesn't know, he has reached that age.
  5. I definitely wouldn't have bought it then.
  6. He identifies as a pirate, he is gender ambiguous.
  7. So this is actually your old bike?
  8. Hey @Marcel le Moose Fondler, what’s it like not being the tallest person on the forum? Personally I wouldn’t know, hence why I am asking.
  9. Pretty sure my 640 Adventure had a taller seat and I had an even taller seat made for that.
  10. We already thought you were a fool before you bought it.
  11. You bought it? Did he take the other one off you?
  12. You bellend, it’s not easy to see with the fork covers, there is a little bit of streaking on one of them, I am waiting to see if any runs down the fork leg over night, I noticed the front end felt a little off today, not planted at low speed and a slight drift to the left at speed if I took my hands off the bars.
  13. Pretty sure one of my fork seals is leaking.
  14. The U.K. is a constitutional monarchy so there is no place for republican politics.
  15. And they all have a full compliment of limbs.
  16. I have a Cardo, good bit of kit.
  17. Keir Starmer is a lot like Superman, in as much as no one would be surprised to see him wearing his underwear outside of his trousers. Beyond that we don’t do politics here, read the rules.
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