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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. The roads were good north of Perth and Kinross region although they had quite a lot of new chips down in the National Park which were a bit loose still in places. After Braemar it was fine. The coast road was good.
  2. Off I went in the searing heat for run north in search of cooler climes, I headed over the Forth road bridge into the Kingdom of Fife and onto Perth and across to Dundee and headed towards Aberdeen before cutting across to Montrose and picking up the coast road North, my first stop was at Dunnottar Castle after 122 miles of riding, just south of Stonehaven, they do a good Aberdeen Angus burger and chips here for a reasonable £7 so it was my planned lunch stop. They also have dedicated motorcycle parking. I was going to head up to the monument and sacrifice a sheep but it is Aberdeenshire so non of the sheep are virgins and I had more places to see. I then headed North then west towards the Cairngorms and the National Park. Continuing my journey I stopped off at Balmoral for a break and a cigar, the estate was closed as it was after 5pm so I gave that a miss. While I was there another Harley turned up, a Sportster 883 ridden by a female naturally, all the way from Lincolnshire. I then headed off to make my way home past various villages and mountains and even ski lifts and through the most dramatic countryside you could imagine. I even found a special “friend” for Pete. By the time I got home I had covered 294 miles. The refurbished shocks performed very well and I played around with the air pressure, running them a lot lower than previously and will reduce them a little more on the next ride.
  3. No, they would have been too busy bumming each other.
  4. It became more insidious over time, the German style helmet was originally used by a member of the Harley racing team who used it on the track after he brought it back from the Great War where he served. MC’s started after WWII and only really took off after Vietnam, with the disaffected young Americans returning only to be ostracised by their own generation. The clubs were not racially mixed and many were populated by white supremacists, SS tattoos, Iron Cross memorabilia including back lights etc. and the German style helmet made a comeback. I can’t tell you how many MC members I have known over the years that have had the ink, some not knowing what it meant but most knowing exactly what it represents.
  5. It would be better than him being the feckless twat he is now.
  6. I bet you wish your boy rode a Harley.
  7. I'm going out tomorrow.
  8. That's a good question.
  9. Does anyone still deny this is happening? Got to be some nut balls in America I imagine, or @zzzak after a week on the baggie. Anyway the highest recorded temperature in Edinburgh was in 2019 and was 31.6 Celsius, forecast for this Tuesday is 32 Celsius. Gingers will die.
  10. Are the midgets outing you?
  11. They are a great bike but the range is kak like all electric motorcycles.
  12. This will be a Harley forum soon.
  13. Not if you are part esquimo, which part, who knows? Maybe the scrotum.
  14. In his anus, he is a Canuck.
  15. I notice they can’t shoot worth a damn.
  16. Make sure you video it.
  17. He should feed the sharks next.
  18. You put a top box on and it will look like a snail
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