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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. So guess what means? That's right, I'm working.
  2. @Pedro is looking for a different bike now, he doesn’t want the ginger association.
  3. We are waiting for the real bike. The Wang King 325.
  4. How dirty can it get in the back of a van?
  5. There are certainly less erections these days.
  6. Day off today but there is a thick haar this morning so little chance of an erection.
  7. Pretty sure this means you have to start eating cuttlefish eggs.
  8. I don’t think it will fit in the overhead bins.
  9. Planning on going there next year funnily enough.
  10. You have to sleep eventually.
  11. Getting trolled by Tym is a new low even for a ginger.
  12. Now they just use Transit vans with motorcycles in the back.
  13. The boy toy has a Cortina Estate and a Ford Popular.
  14. That’s because this place is
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