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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Depends how big it is, weight isn’t such an issue for motorcycle camping within reason, my new tent is 6.9kg
  2. Van just out of shot yet again.
  3. I probably won’t qualify this year given I have become a ride report king.
  4. I did 185 miles today, I will sort out a ride report tomorrow. I wonder what it is like on those serious forums where they do regular ride reports?
  5. It would be like Jack Spratt and his wife.
  6. Saturday saw a ride out to the Pentland Hills and surrounding countryside. Only about 100 miles in total but it was a good wee jaunt. I went up a military road that led to a firing range. Then I left the bike and walked up to Castlelaw hill fort and earth house. The earth house is actually a storage cellar and was in use in the 2nd century so is nearly as old as Pete. @Pedro this is what the bracken is looking like now, I remember you commenting on a previous ride about it looking dead. You can go into the earth house, the construction is pretty amazing considering it is likely built at a time when our Lord Jesus was fulfilling God's prophecy over Israel. I didn't crawl through to the additional rooms, but there some accessible for the more adventurous. Looked like the kind of place you could get bummed by dago midgets. I took a circuitous ride home after this which included popping into Morrisons for fuel where they would not activate the pump unless I took off my open face helmet, I told them to fuck off and went to my local Jet station instead.
  7. Dinosaurs. People allergic to wood. Trolls. Six’s victims. Should I continue?
  8. I’m trying to educate you but I have to accept you can’t fill a leaky bucket.
  9. I just assumed it was the Welsh thing.
  10. Have you spent any time alone with your son?
  11. It won’t matter the way you are acting, you will lose them anyway.
  12. The only way to keep them there is by manning the fuck up, which you should have done already, the only reason she acts the way she does is because people let her, grow a pair.
  13. They claim a top speed of 112mph which seems about right for 90hp in this type of configuration.
  14. That’s the cost of satisfying emissions standards, the U.K. is one of the few countries that has no emissions standards for bikes but it is to small a market place to make bikes for. As far as the bike looking cramped, the rider in the pictures is 6’4”, it will likely be fine for most. It is not a bike that would interest me, I will stick with my air cooled large framed old fashioned push rod engined bike, but I can see the merits of this engine and I don’t preclude owning a bike with a version such as the Bronx in the future.
  15. “Patience” he’s not a fucking doctor and your boy patients aren’t there for their health despite you drugging them.
  16. The bar has been set very low, so ideal for you.
  17. I got a PM from Mawsley saying he is going to ride to Edinburgh for a visit, he is leaving tomorrow and should arrive sometime in June.
  18. Me and Tym are innocent this time, I want to point that out.
  19. I saw this coming, he was on a Bruce-esque rampage of self promotion which was a sure sign he was about to implode.
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