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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. It will be shit, don’t worry.
  2. I purposely didn’t mention Skippy because it isn’t a bike, it’s a fucking paper weight.
  3. Why does Pedro have a Yellow Pages on the back of his bike anyway?
  4. The field is strong, two with pictures of castles, Bob with a picture in front of the bridge he lives under, harassing billy goats, Pedro, Moon and some Welsh cunt are all showing scenery, Pete even has a great picture, at least it would be without the Chinese plastic shite in it. Unfortunately it goes to hell in a handcart after that with a pink bike circling the drain and Mawsley is just shit.
  5. Pedro should have used the picture with the windmill, that was a winner.
  6. Todays lunch, cupboard pasta, what ever I had for a pasta sauce which in this case was sun dried tomato, anchovies, chorizo, black olives, chilli peppers, garlic, black pepper, grated hard cheese and good old spaghetti.
  7. Just buy the fucking asparagus!
  8. Nope, things could get a lot worse. There is stuff under those cases.
  9. On the plus side it is very clean, probably due to the fact it is unusable.
  10. Make sure it subscribes him and @Six30 to everything Harley related.
  11. Yingtong 650 1.5 cylinder so I hear.
  12. I think it was just a excuse for them to spend more time bumming each other in phoneboxes.
  13. Incredible, A Tibetan monk has been discovered in the mountains. He is believed to be the oldest person alive, estimated at 212 years old. He is in a deep state of trance through meditation called "Takatet". When first discovered in the cave deep in the mountains they thought he was a well preserved mummy, but after a closer inspection they found vital signs of life, he was alive. In his right hand was a piece of cloth with writing on it, "It said stop believing all the shite you are reading online, ya Muppet".
  14. Looks great, at last a solution to girls not being able to balance on mens motorcycles, @gymwitch take note!
  15. At least he hasn’t got a shit bike.
  16. If it is really gay it will vape.
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