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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. That’s why they do them that way.
  2. Is the BMW still in the back of the van though?
  3. He has Stephen Hawkins old chair.
  4. Are you saying you are a tranny?
  5. Well he ain’t a heart breaker.
  6. Maybe @Marcel le Moose Fondler, it’s hard to tell because he is a bald cunt.
  7. Aren't you due an amputation?
  8. I don't know why I bother.
  9. It hit 25° here earlier, there are widespread reports of gingers spontaneously combusting throughout the city.
  10. Getting paid to shout at cyclists? Where do I sign up?
  11. Into the last week of June, the weather is great but only about four people here have ridden their bikes. You bunch of losers!
  12. We are equal opportunity haters.
  13. There better be some ride reports coming or @busabeast will be visiting you all.
  14. Buckster


    Last will and testament would be more meaningful.
  15. Just as well there is no bike of the month just now as I would have won it easily for June.
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