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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. I have travelled between San Diego and L.A. on Amtrak, it’s a nice way to travel.
  2. So to avoid female stereotypes they got into cleaning products? Go bitches go!
  3. You have no fucking idea what is going on here do you?
  4. Came out the water and made a grab for me but missed, ended up dragging a cow into the murky depths.
  5. Pictures or it never happened.
  6. It’s the NHS, it will be a Sony camcorder and a tub of Vaseline.
  7. You live such an interesting life.
  8. I was attacked by a giant stickleback once.
  9. I needed to borrow a truck once so a buddy said I could take his but to leave my car as he needed to go into town later, I parked on his driveway, left him my keys and took the truck, when I got back my car hadn’t moved, when I asked why he had not used it he said he got in then realised it had too many pedals so he cancelled his appointment and went back in the house to hit himself with a hammer.
  10. I had a stick in GA, definitely a good anti theft device.
  11. I have hit a new high, I have been accused of being a woke, cancel culture leftist by the resident conspiracy nut job at the Harley U.K. riders club. Obviously I tone it down a bit for that lot as they are a bit genteel but I still call people nut jobs when they are nut jobs, but I have arrived now. I’m going to get myself subscribed to Marxist Monthly and live the life now.
  12. Can he drive stick? I hope you told him that girls always take their knickers off if they sit on leather?
  13. His picture is on the Kent peado alert page.
  14. Doesn’t the “Specs Manoeuvre” involve passing through the hedge twice in quick succession?
  15. I saw one of those Tridents the other week, it really looked good.
  16. Pretty sure you have just admitted to being a hoarder.
  17. Looks like they are homegrown in Italy, I like the look of that.
  18. Well it is all ready for the bike now.
  19. It is vented and has a wooden sub floor.
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