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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Six is a pretender, they come and go.
  2. I’ve had both of mine (AZ), I’m immune to everything now including fire and nuclear holocaust.
  3. Once they realised they were dealing with the original Twat of the Year they knew it was going to hurt.
  4. Ordered a couple of things from this shower a couple of weeks ago, got half of what I ordered. Initially they seemed like they wanted to resolve the problem and then it started. I got an email basically calling me a liar, they obviously had no intention of sorting things out. I went on to prove that the box they sent was too small to hold the missing part and they still did not respond. So as promised I gave them the first of what was going to be many shite reviews, within two hours I had an email apology and a promise I will have the missing item early next week. The quality of the parts seem pretty good but there is no way I will ever deal with them again.
  5. There is no difference other than the waterproofing.
  6. A doctor friend says the first AZ is most likely to have side effects and the second Pfizer.
  7. I’ve always liked them but they need to be a 250. Physically too small for me.
  8. Engine is made by Shineray in China.
  9. Mash is made by Shineray as well, this is the Chinese bike thread. No surprise it was started by @XTreme
  10. Owned by Shineray, guess where they are from?
  11. It is an anti-weaning ring, must be a fairly young bullock, they put them in if they are reluctant to stop weaning as it makes the attempt uncomfortable.
  12. I know a few people that were fucked up by the second Pfizer.
  13. I knew it was one of you.
  14. I can’t contribute to this other that this photo of a guy and his Vespa who annoyed me the other day.
  15. He is the plague, he is a Welsh ginger.
  16. Then he was deported and sent back to the institution.
  17. Buckster

    Gun culture.

    That’s about £2.50 with the current exchange rate.
  18. You mean other than Bruce, Clive and Lone?
  19. At least the cunt kept it upright.
  20. Horse is pretty lean.
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