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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Buckster

    Gun culture.

    With patience you can make them move, I got rid of my down stairs neighbours, took about six months and they left all on their own. I have been more circumspect with the new person that moved in. My new criteria is based on, do they have a motorcycle? No? Fuck em!
  2. I’ve only sat on the display one they had here, I thought it needed a higher seat. They would not let me try to adjust it even though I understand it can be raised.
  3. Now a Harley on the other hand... capable of snapping knicker elastic at a hundred feet away.
  4. Buckster

    Gun culture.

    He would think it was a Welsh communist plot.
  5. Good for weighing down bodies.
  6. The weather is shit here as well. I need to get out and bed the new pads and discs in.
  7. If your bike has anti knock control then your plugs need to have the correct resistance, Iridium plugs generally do not support this.
  8. Pretty much how I ride my Harley, but there is never a camera available at the time so you lot don't get the benefit. Pretty sure that boy was following my trail braking advice quite a bit there as well.
  9. They are repenting for riding shit bikes.
  10. Marriage hasn't been kind to her.
  11. You mean limp the limp?
  12. Getting your stump shaved?
  13. The sound is garbled, I can’t understand anything the twat is saying.
  14. No shooting involved, it will be stored with the other 200,000 rounds and racks of guns along with the 40,000 rolls of toilet paper ready for the impending zombie apocalypse.
  15. Some things are best kept to yourself, you should just stick to saying you have no mates.
  16. The guy doing the video is a fucking ponce, what is that shit on his face? Would you really take advice from a prepubescent commie wannabe?
  17. You got pictures when I did my coast to coast, you are a one trick pony these days, time to get new material. You do that and I will get a BMW branded chinese camera.
  18. Gay, I used to do 800 mile days on a regular basis.
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