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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. I’m going to stab one of you fuckers in the face anytime now.
  2. Another Affy twin? The clitoris of motorcycles.
  3. You are a bunch of sad twats, you need to get a life, it’s like watching a bunch of tramps compare puss oozing boils.
  4. If you want to feel offended then try remembering your childhood, Uncle Joe wasn’t being nice.
  5. But what is this tossers real name? Patel perhaps?
  6. Nothing new there, at least he has an excuse for being ignored this time though.
  7. Bruce is having gay fantasies about me again? I thought I was too old for him as I’m more than 10.
  8. Admits to being ginger and riding a gay ass Honda with automatic transmission? This place has reached a new low.
  9. She should check that Windows updates have been done and probably do a network reset. Sounds like an OS issue to me.
  10. Years ago my mother in law at the time was reading the book “The Exorcist”, she said it was the most evil thing she had ever read and she couldn’t finish it, that day she took the book and threw it in the local canal. I went and bought another copy of the book and soaked it in the bathroom sink then left it on her nightstand. My father in law later recounted that that was the first time he had ever seen his wife soil herself.
  11. I don’t know where to start.
  12. Working on my shed base, how far down do I need to dig to hide the smell of decomposing flesh?
  13. How long does it take to insert a robot arm up him?
  14. Has he asked anyone to be in his gang yet?
  15. Weather in Scotland is great.
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