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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. It’s okay, they have been shit for as long as I remember.
  2. It was my uncles funeral today and I didn’t go, although that was primarily because my family is shit.
  3. Rick is my proxy, we have met in person and I infected him with special man love.
  4. Buckster


    I take it the federali’s have calmed down then, they went through a phase of taking bikes off travellers a few years back.
  5. Was it better than ITV?
  6. As it is you I will believe you did not know that 2 strokes are supposed to use an oil and petrol mix.
  7. Here is a nice pair. get your minds out of the gutter!
  8. 18 year old Kwak still running isn't a classic, it's a fucking miracle.
  9. I don't know where you got that impression, maybe you just assumed it because I ride a real bike and you're a ponce.
  10. I'm trying to be kind to him so he doesn't flounce.
  11. That’s some sort of subconscious gay fantasy shit right there.
  12. Bruce can’t, he throws his toys out of the pram every few months.
  13. The floppy haired puff can fuck right off.
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