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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Hard to work out how he got so fat eating shite like that. He probably supplements it with horse burgers.
  2. Antifa will be here any moment to stage a protest.
  3. Come on @MooN, Pete thinks kebabs are exotic.
  4. We seem to lack ethnic diversity here, what’s all that about then you bunch of fucking nazis?
  5. These have got to be worth an extra 30hp.
  6. I did let a fellow ride my KTM once at a BMF rally, he sat on the back seat while doing so for some reason and it smelled like shit afterwards, no idea who it was, any idea @yen_powell?
  7. @XTreme you need to stick with Deathwings.
  8. It’s the future of adventure travel. Ewan and Charlie should have used these.
  9. Too much bike for you even though it is a girls bike.
  10. I seen a few in the US, usually on Harley-Davidson. People who only get the bike out to be seen on group rides on memorial day and the like. In the US people can ride just about anything on a learners permit so it is always a recipe for disaster. Two examples I can think of out of many are my first ride with a group, there was a guy on a 1200 Sportster, he kept drifting towards other bikes, ran into the back of a couple of people, I just stayed way back out of his way. When we stopped I told him to stay away from me to prevent a premature ending to his life, he went home at that point. Another group ride in the Georgia mountains and a female rider on a newer version of my bike, riding on a learners permit was really struggling in the bends, at one point she was drifting towards the drop off so I rode up the right side between her bike and the side of the road, took my left hand off the bars and placed a single finger on the end of her handlebar, just enough pressure to get her through the corner. We stopped and had a talk about steering and she was fine after that. She admitted she had frozen up on the corner and would have ended up over the edge. She turned into a good rider over the following months. There were a lot of women riders on Harleys in GA and in general they were excellent riders, the worst riders were usually men who started riding later in life.
  11. BMW rider from Chicago? Bound to be a cocaine dealer.
  12. If you like a bit of cock and bum fun then that’s up to you, it’s a brave new world.
  13. You understand that you are the window licker in this picture don’t you?
  14. Buckster

    Previous Bikes

    Now you are 9.5st, I wonder where that 0.5 went...
  15. Not sure if you can use the term “biker”, you may want to check with the chief arbiter first.
  16. Don’t lend Ren any money.
  17. From Yorkshire? Won’t be buying any rounds then.
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