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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Ozarks is tornado country, that and dust.
  2. Do storm chasers ride GS’s now?
  3. You totally sniffed it, you sniffed my saddle in New Mexico you sick bastard.
  4. Look at the end of the day some people are casuals and some people aren’t. Some people grew up riding bikes and it has got into their blood and they will always ride bikes, people like me, @XTreme, @boboneleg, @Tym, @MooN and others. Even if they have a small break they come back to bikes, some of us have always had bikes and we always identified with the culture including in the media, we don’t all identify with exactly the same area of biking but we all have things in common and all have crossovers in at least two or three areas. While there was no forum we didn’t stop riding. The casuals on the other hand may have ridden when young but it never really took with them, it was just another mode of transportation, they may have a bike rotting away in the shed so they can say they have one, they like the idea of being part of the biking scene but they need to be stroked and encouraged by others to keep it going and when there is no focus like the forum they just drift away on the tide so to speak. The real difference between casuals and bikers of course is that at the end of the day bikers don’t care if you ride or not because riding is personal to them, sure they like to share it but they don’t need to. Casuals have a desperate need to be included, they need the validation.
  5. Must be that time of month again.
  6. Depends how fast you push the wheelbarrow.
  7. Something about guns for everyone.
  8. Can we trust the word of a gimp?
  9. Thruxton was about 40mph, the handling was superb as well.
  10. I thought the bars would be uncomfortable but on the move the wind takes the weight off.
  11. I found the R really comfortable, I just don’t have space for two bikes so I had to let it go.
  12. and you haven’t bought anything alcoholic for a lot longer than that
  13. I've met a few of them over the years.
  14. You still have time, even in these twilight years of yours.
  15. A quiet one I imagine, he has a wife and two daughters and he cannot speak to women.
  16. If you get a Glock you can get a retention holster.
  17. So @MooN have you dragged yourself into the 21st century yet or do you still think female riders are such an anomaly that they need special mention?
  18. You can open carry in GA so you have that option as well.
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