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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. I rest my case, why don’t you get one of those Honda Rukus or I think they call them zoomers here?
  2. The guy was dead the next year, before my time of course, came up in a trivia quiz once. I got it wrong back then.
  3. Pretty sure I know this one, it was before they decided that stunt doubles had to be the same sex as the actual actor.
  4. €35 a night? That's good going.
  5. Nope, it's like going on holiday to a shit farm.
  6. Didn’t it inspire that TV show? The long crawl back?
  7. @XTreme might be the last dance for you old farts, I have at least 50 years riding left in me.... but sure I’ll play work permitting.
  8. I was hoping to do this at the beginning of June but things being as they are it is on hold. North coast 500
  9. I had a GT550 ram air, the power band used to come in when it felt like it, usually mid corner and given the shit handling it made me intimately familiar with the back of the tank as it went into a tank slapper. Amazing that I was able to father children in later years. I have zero interest in reliving those years.
  10. Don’t give up the day job.
  11. It’s a velomobile, pedal powered. I actually know that guy bizarrely.
  12. Hopefully it won’t take as long to get the KLR back Tymeh.
  13. It’s not working, you are still talking bullshit.
  14. Don’t worry Tym, they will charge you enough so you can pretend it was a real problem.
  15. Guaranteed to be a Tymeh related issue.
  16. Cheeky twat, I still ride and what’s more I can fix my own bike, I don’t need to go crying to the stealer every five minutes.
  17. If all else fails fit a chain to it and sell it as a boat anchor.
  18. Nah, just people letting their imaginations run away with them.
  19. No such thing as ghosts, it’s a shame to see buildings like this going to ruin.
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