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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Don’t give up the day job.
  2. It’s a velomobile, pedal powered. I actually know that guy bizarrely.
  3. Hopefully it won’t take as long to get the KLR back Tymeh.
  4. It’s not working, you are still talking bullshit.
  5. Don’t worry Tym, they will charge you enough so you can pretend it was a real problem.
  6. Guaranteed to be a Tymeh related issue.
  7. Cheeky twat, I still ride and what’s more I can fix my own bike, I don’t need to go crying to the stealer every five minutes.
  8. If all else fails fit a chain to it and sell it as a boat anchor.
  9. Nah, just people letting their imaginations run away with them.
  10. No such thing as ghosts, it’s a shame to see buildings like this going to ruin.
  11. Buckster

    Speed Triple R

    No not mine, just a picture of your nightmares.
  12. Buckster

    Speed Triple R

    Here you go @XTreme
  13. Buckster

    Speed Triple R

    You lost him right there, that will have given him palpitations.
  14. He used to until his wife told him he wasn’t allowed anymore, he is hoping to get permission to get a scooter one day. I heard she may even allow him to wear big boy pants soon as well.
  15. Perfect for you as you don’t have a functioning bike. A few others in here could join you as well.
  16. Now hold on a minute.
  17. Been back in Scotland for about six years now.
  18. There are very few rides I have done over the years that I could not have done on the Harley, I used to ride fire roads in the USA on it. The most miles I have ever done over a short time span was on this bike when I did 4800 miles in eight days, Georgia to LA and back, so I think it pretty much meets the criteria.
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