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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. You can get lockable ones for the Harley or speaker pods.
  2. I emailed him the other day, it looks like he is not checking messenger.
  3. Is that the official UCC?
  4. It was raining on Mull, just overcast in Oban where I was, I rode south into sun, did 325 miles today.
  5. That will be the Atantuc ocean out there then.
  6. So you pay a premium to advertise for Ducati race sponsors?
  7. I think we would all appreciate a video of that happening to you.
  8. Endure? That’s what he went there for.
  9. Not only did he turn water into wine, he turned it into the best wine.
  10. There is no such thing as holy water and wine is just wine.
  11. I’ll be too busy riding, I pity you.
  12. You lot are used to drinking pish.
  13. Coffee has been an ingredient in different types of stout and porters for the last 100 years, as has cocoa. They both enhance the malted flavour, some imperial stouts have a strong taste of coffee even though they have no coffee added.
  14. Friday tomorrow, it’s amazing how that works, could be different in Canada.
  15. So what are you losers doing? I am thinking of doing a run up the Highlands tomorrow, possibly up to Glen Lyon and then a run over to Loch Lomond via The Green Welly Stop. Then home via Sterling. It’s hard living is Scotland.
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