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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. He should be killed for getting caught.
  2. Yeah you need paralever spanners and shit.
  3. Exactly, he got caught.
  4. Well you don’t want to shrink anymore, you are nearly as small as @busabeast as it is.
  5. Doesn’t work.
  6. Don’t get murdered unless you are going to live stream it.
  7. Common sense has to prevail.
  8. They are no good for getting rid of a body, you need something more like this.
  9. When you say lots, do you mean 10, 50, 100’s?
  10. Trying to work out how @Tymeh thinks is a fools errand.
  11. You need horizontally opposed screwdrivers and shit.
  12. It would be my genuine pleasure.
  13. Kind of, although it involves a hammer, they don’t feel any pain afterwards.
  14. The ginger cunt enriched our lives, he better not be alive, I don’t want him to see me say this.
  15. No problem for me, I am 6’4” which is a lot taller than @Marcel le Moose Fondler
  16. I preach at events and have been asked to preach at a couple of churches, my church recognises me as an evangelist, I will be full time before long.
  17. I don’t know about you lot but I keep seeing posts from Pete from less than two weeks ago and it all seems surreal. I’m half expecting him to post and say it was all a gag.
  18. So what are you bunch of losers doing? Weather here looks crap although I might get out on Saturday, traffic will likely be crap as it is a bank holiday so we will see. I guess I will be working on charity stuff and writing a sermon, oh deep joy!
  19. If she carries on she will end up as carrion in a ditch somewhere or worse.
  20. Doesn’t need anything, surprisingly comfortable and the handling was sublime, I used to destroy sports bikes on it.
  21. She is lucky, that could have been a whole lot worse, the rule of thumb with that type of overlanding is to band up with other solo travellers or groups.
  22. Pretty sure there was a video floating about involving a bad toilet incident for this bint.
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