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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Buckster

    xt 660

    You’re not wrong.
  2. His boy will have to sort out the hosting with his web clients etc.. we may be able to get admin access at that point and do something from there.
  3. It just had a PHP and database update so there shouldn’t be any issues for a good while.
  4. Yes but I ride like a boss.
  5. No we don’t have that access.
  6. As long as we keep you wetbacks out it was worth it.
  7. That’s the only reason we like you.
  8. Feels strange to not see some thought provoking possibly acidic posts from Pete here this morning as he invariably kicked the week off and got everyone posting. It occurred to me that we have lost one of the old guard, we have seen a lot of this over the years in the motorcycle scene, some from natural causes, some bike accidents, other more tragic events like Chopstick Jim. It is the consequence of getting older that you see people pass on. In Pete’s case he will be missed because quite simply he was a giant in the online motorcycle scene, he had a unique way of bringing people together online. Unlike just about everyone else who runs forums, Pete never took himself too seriously, he was as fair game for piss taking as anyone else. I’m half expecting to find he has been interned in a crypt built in the shape of a Shad top box and still slightly smaller than the one fitted to his bike. The internet seems a little quieter this morning and the world feels a little emptier.
  9. Buckster

    xt 660

    Sounds like BS to me.
  10. You are officially the forum short arse now.
  11. So you’re still 5’5”, doesn’t that feel better?
  12. Virtually none of it, it’s all down to the damping.
  13. When did you grow 4 inches?
  14. He would be too short to get on it.
  15. North Berwick is still beautiful and my bike looks excellent.
  16. Well I took a run out to test the shocks on some roads that upset the bike usually, at first I thought the bike was a bit fidgety until I realised how fast I was going, I was cornering 10 to 20mph faster than I normally do along that route, the bike turns in easier and responds to body English easier. It is easier to change line mid corner as well and it tracks road imperfections less. In town it does not jar over potholes anymore. The only bad part is it has shown up the limits of the front end, I definitely need to soften the front a touch but even then I suspect I would benefit from more complex fork damping so am already thinking of Nitron fork cartridges. I will play with the damping on the shocks a little, I think it may benefit from a slight increase. Braking is also better and it seems more planted under acceleration when passing traffic. Going across Gullane golf course there are some uneven off camber corners that I normally take at 40mph, I glanced at the clock through there and I was doing 55 to 60mph. So first impressions are night and day.
  17. Took a run out to North Berwick to bed the reat pads in and test the shocks.
  18. Maybe twin number 2 is gay.
  19. New rear brake pads fitted.
  20. Did you know the deceased or was it just entertainment?
  21. Did you recognise the breathing?
  22. Alternatively it could simply have been that he remembered that he still had to deal with @Marcel le Moose Fondler.
  23. Unfortunately heart attacks often happen in close succession, he had multiple stents put in which is an indicator for congenital heart disease, I suspect he went into arrhythmia unexpectedly after they moved him out of ICU, that’s the most common cause of death after a heart attack.
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