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Everything posted by Nute

  1. Nope, US v8 from 1973, rear axel/ brakes off a jag, steering from a BMW, nothing Jap in it if there was it prob wouldn't have gone tits up.
  2. Broke down, car not bike ... bloody annoying. Fortunately have a recovery policy who gave me a projected wait time of 2+ hrs before the recovery truck could get there, plus apparently it was a £40 excess for recovery .. The tow truck showed up in about 45 mins so can't fault that, and the guy helped me push it into the garage once we got it home. Turns out he used to live in Finland (the place id love to live given the choice) and was a really nice guy. Had a quick look when I got home, fuel getting to the carb OK, carb working OK, nothing obviously wrong with the distributer but that is as far as I got before going out on my bike. I'll have another look at it later in the week
  3. It does look a bit like you have a barbecue fixed to the back of it.
  4. Nute


    If every car driver had to do a CBT prior to their test the roads would be far safer for bikes. Might make them appreciate how vulnerable we are to them behaving like twats.
  5. I’ll take a look at the innov ones, not heard of them before. It won’t stop people driving like twats but at least there will be no argument if I do have a problem.
  6. After yet another car driver trying to kill me it's time to fit a dash cam thingy. Indicating to exit a roundabout from the inside lane (two lanes on the roundabout, big white arrows in the road indicating both lanes exit onto a dual carriageway), driver to the left of me decides he is going to carry on round to effectively do a U turn by going all the way around in the outside lane to go back the way he came from, no indication that he's going to do that, just cuts straight across in front of me ... I didn't hit him but it's just the latest thing which has made me decide to get a dash cam. I want one hard wired to the bike, camera front and rear. Anyone got any suggestions? Anyone use one? I have one I can fit to the side of my lid but I always forget to put it on/ charge it up etc.
  7. I had a few other priorities at the time than pulling my phone out. This is what I was trying to get running, mine isn’t fixed to a kart, but maybe one day
  8. Best of luck with that Clive. I almost managed to set myself on fire on Saturday trying to get my pulse jet going using a leaf blower .. a sudden change in the wind direction and im partially engulfed in burning propane. Eyebrows half gone, hair on arms and legs partly gone and face was fecking agony for two days. Fortunately it's now subsided to just angry red and hasn't blistered. To make matters worse my brother, who was assisting, fell about the place laughing whilst I was putting myself out...
  9. i have had pneumonia, nearly bloody killed me. Four courses of antibiotics to sort it out, each stronger and more unpleasant than the last. If a vaccine reduces the chance of going through that again sign me up, I don’t care if it’s got nuclear waste, asbestos and trumps ear wax in it.
  10. Off to Halfords for a sump plug washer, highly likely they wont have one but im bound to end up buying other crap I don't need there.
  11. I’ve got my lads next week … even he’s not that bothered but all my in laws etc want photos. Wife will still be in the US so will be me on my Todd. Currently in Florida where it’s ungodly hot, humid as hell … but we have had some real hum dingers of thunderstorms. Mother in laws car broke down yesterday, battery knackered so fixed that today.
  12. Ohhhhhh … fightin talk … bet it’s more reliable than a Harley, and probably quicker
  13. Ain’t that the truth. One of my lads was watching the football a few days ago, they should get an Oscar the way they roll around in apparent agony after the slightest contact…and if the ref doesn’t take any notice they are miraculously healed and get back up and carry on playing.
  14. I can't compete with all these fancy high tech boxes ...
  15. First time in a MacDo’s for years. Rode to work ( lots of motorway), lovely going in, hot as hell coming back. The only thing I dislike about my Indian is the amount of heat which comes of the engine - fine at 70, awful in 30 deg heat at lights or slow traffic. After 45 mins I had to pull in to Macs for a frozen smoothy thing, which in fairness wasn’t bad. Sadly the AC in Macs was busted….:(
  16. Coming back from Horsham this afternoon I noticed a few had sprung up on the A281. Fucking things are everywhere. Apparently the UK has endless cash for these things but not enough to fix the roads. I can't recall the exact numbers (or be bothered to look them up) but something like 250 of those idiots on motorless bikes have been killed or seriously injured in the least few years due to road defects. If you add in all those that weren't reported plus those who ride bikes with motors and it's prob a big number. If it was 250 people in a train crash there would be a national enquiry, but as its people on 2 wheels the govt couldn't give a shit.
  17. Get a garage heater. Turn it on a half hr before you go out to spanner things.
  18. I have no fecking idea what this thread is about ....
  19. I don't know why but there is something I really enjoy about going to collect a new bike from somewhere far away. Last one was Norwich, before that was north Wales ( that was a Sunday night in Jan, fecking frozen), im in Hampshire. I have bought a bike from Edinburgh ... but got that bought down in a van. That CBF looks lovely, hope you enjoy it.
  20. I’m never allowed to forget when I got “rumbled” cleaning engine bits in the dishwasher. You’d think I was drowning puppies in it.
  21. Took my bike for a service at the Indian dealership in Wokingham, never been there before but really mice place/ people. They had the bike in there that Guy Martin used for his wall of death thing, looked lovely ... not for sale tho...
  22. We had the imperial system when I was a kid but thank god we changed. I used to go help out at an old folks home when I was a teenager, getting their shopping. Some of them could only work in shillings and bob and 2d whatever the hell that was, utterly clueless about anything base 10 orientated. It was like we were speaking 2 different languages.
  23. How anything even vaguely complicated ever gets built in the US is beyond me. This be needs to be 1 inch and 13 /28ths of and inch and that bit is 56 and 7/ 97ths of an inch .. its like a foreign language..
  24. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/304302769077971/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_general&referral_story_type=general&tracking={"qid"%3A"-1893977013153990741"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"9065140865908224428"%2C"top_level_post_id"%3A"9065140865908224428"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A9065140865908224428%2C\"target_type\"%3A6%2C\"primary_position\"%3A24%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A8736073029136794037%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A501%2C\"value\"%3A0.00032257948558487%2C\"upsell_type\"%3A122%2C\"candidate_retrieval_source_map\"%3A{\"7169264269866010\"%3A209}%2C\"grouping_info\"%3Anull}"%2C"lightning_feed_qid"%3A"-1894002027119265630"%2C"lightning_feed_ranking_signature"%3A"114017867052698645"} Anyone want to go halves on this ?
  25. Im happy to contribute if we need to raise some cash...
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