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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. Gonna have to come back to this, looking forward to it.
  2. Get a go on one Pete, just for the shit of it. Better still the MT09, lighter still I'd guess and a hooligan engine mode. Here here. I'd agree until you're moving it around back and forwards by the bars.
  3. Bloody marvellous day, didn't get out till dinner time so we just kept going. Found a wide open spot to stop and this was it. (other than a fuel stop). Somewhere between Harleston and wymondham. Poor effort but it was just a ball ache to stop.
  4. Don't know but it feels so much lighter. Faster engine too. But not as roomy/comfortable as the S10.
  5. It is heavy but like many bikes once riding it's a great bike and you don't feel that weight at all, I even had some fun with it off road, light trails mind. My daughter who's been on the back of most of my bikes said it was the most comfy.
  6. All still wearing masks, other than the odd forgetful.
  7. Or did you mean safe from the rabbits.
  8. It's not a bad area but I've locked the steering on both and a big chain going through both the front wheels.
  9. Got some house stuff done today so bikes are parked out front ready for the morn. Mandi kept the rabbits busy while I snuck them out.
  10. Someones on form tonight.
  11. How'd you get on with front sprockets Fred? My first engine had the early out put shaft and had worn badly. I was using Africa twin sprockets as they has a shoulder. The new shafts are no better either.
  12. That doesn't look that comfortable, and if that cast side stand let go,,,,,
  13. I used to swim every week before the lockdowns. Good bit of exercise if nothing else.
  14. Pretty much true. Really enjoyed it though it was bloody hot.
  15. Looked worse than it was then, I'd have eaten that.
  16. Ops sorry, me not reading your reply properly.
  17. Not a copy n paste job then. Planning to get out at the weekend, maybe a pic or 2 of flat land with a bend or something.
  18. WTFs going on under the meat?
  19. Is that because she shits herself with the excessive dike pump noise
  20. I got myself a tomtom years ago. Love it although it's not perfect. Ride somewhere, see a turn, go for it, end up who know where, set sat nav for home, no prob.
  21. Are you saying the government did the same with these jabs too?
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