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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. Looks like that won't be standing too much longer. Dark motorcycling in the sunshine, bloody grim here.
  2. They'd be no getting her on the back of a bike.
  3. Need to get some of this kitchen sorted. Got to do a market chip run to but it's such a ball ache getting the bikes past the bloody rabbits no doubt we'll be in the car. It's drizzling anyway. Mums funeral was Thursday and I've still got a bit of a thick head and empty wallet. WSBs and F1 on the tele.
  4. In 75 we were ripping anything we could get going round a farmers field. Took about 25pence to fill a crunchy, Honda c50.
  5. Dominator used to eat Iridium plugs, stuck with the standard plugs ever since. NGK for our bikes.
  6. I suggested playing that album to a local blowhead, he said, "Naa, too depressing".
  7. Can spot a gay one from quite a distance.
  8. Got pissed off tripping over them in the hall.
  9. Just fitted said contis. These buggers are so hard. They'll be no getting these off on a dirt track to fix a puncture. The rear went on ok but the front was a basted, even on the tyre machine. Hope they're still up in the morn. After cancelling from moto-tyres, the front tyre arrived, a month after ordering. Got it collected after phoning someone in India, just waiting for the money to reappear in my account.
  10. Little buggers keep breaking the spring end off.
  11. Done well to get the cam cover off without snapping bolts, normally the 2 at the inside front. Good luck with the exhaust studs.
  12. Think I'd be quite a bit happier if I had it.
  13. Not one of those pics gives a clear view of the left side??? Maybe you're right as most of these sold will never see the dirt.
  14. Can't imagine a belt would last long in gravel and sand, but could be wrong.
  15. I like the look of having a lighter colours but in the field they're going to look like crap after a few long distance wet rides. I'm still longing for some "pants" that really are water proof and long enough for my legs.
  16. Talk this morn of the Indian variant growing in numbers because we let loads back in without quarantining. Shit we're good at this.
  17. Marvellous. Def more to see there than we took in on our visit.
  18. If your dad was as good as some that followed him then I'm impressed too.
  19. Bloody great thing's cracked the floor.
  20. This woman has taken the stupidity of politicians to a new level. Hope that wasn't too political.
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