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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. Just remindered me, got bet I couldn't"t drink a bottle of whiskey, I was in my teens too. I drank it, woke up 4 hours later in someones front garden. Apparently I tried to fight everyone so they pushed me over this garden wall and left me there. Felt rough for days.
  2. We followed a few Harleys into Brighton some years ago, ears where ringing, eyes were streaming. Won't be doing that again.
  3. Me and Mandi had planned a trip to Dorset and surrounding area. Had to put it on hold but got money back from hotels ok. Would have popped over the the Isle of White as daughter is over there now. Other than that nothing planned, just gaggin to get out again. Got the dominator ready for MOT so nipped out on that and filled with fuel. Def wetted the appetite.
  4. I really liked the look of these when they came out. Another bike I never got to ride.
  5. Bet the owners well happy. Would have been ragged till dead then set light over here.
  6. time keeper was given a back hander.?
  7. Not so bad in my area but in the major cities, if it's not welded to the floor it's gone.
  8. Dad had an Ultrasonic cleaner to?
  9. I'm with Pete, I love to roam around old buildings. Used to get into plenty as a kid.?
  10. Got job you haven"t got an air line then.
  11. Only other forum I use is carpe, oh and I do stick my head in the MT09 forum but thats dead compered to carpe and thats quiet.
  12. Neither did I and I've owned one. Won't another one now.
  13. Same here, especially when it's wet. We normally aim for prem inns and the like.
  14. Not unlike some of the west coast of Scotland.
  15. Mine wasn't too bad when in the power band, sounds better than it really was.
  16. Thought that might get a response.
  17. I was gob smacked when being the tail ender for the bow off road events. Almost new machinery being used, plenty of offs but most kept going. Hat is off to you, thats a big bugga to get off the floor.
  18. Think you said it started and stopped? Still think its worth draining the float bowl as the water content in ethanol fuels always ends up and the bottom of the tank and bowl. Having said that if that carb hasn't had a service in a long while best have it off and a good muck out.
  19. Hiya. Looking forward to some pics.
  20. Had something like that years ago. YL100. Was a bitch to keep running right.
  21. You guys must keep a list.?
  22. Hi. Using "numpty" I"m guessing you were up north in the uk?
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