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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. I suspect many broken bones and spilt drinks.
  2. Vicious rumours, 1 spark plug per cylinder.
  3. Bonamassa wins gurning competitions too.
  4. WTFs has someone done to that
  5. 3 body problem on Netflix. We're about 5 episodes in and although started I bit weak has now got our full on attention.
  6. We used to call them landfill
  7. so much nicer with the bumpers off.
  8. Try cleaning the screen with a wet cloth with a squirt of fairy liquid. If it doesn't work burn the car.
  9. I've been spending my spare hours trying to sort a Zafira b failing the MOT with rich running. After a lot of pissing around with exhaust sensors as I didn't believe the readings I checked the valve timing and found the exhaust cam a tooth out. Have I mentioned I hate cars.
  10. I did it the other way round. We always rode and drove before we passed any tests back then. Driving instructor told me I will need plenty of lessons to get me out of bad habits.
  11. Honda and a Ducati dealers nearby, plus others so no real clues there.
  12. I live next to the sea and eat almost nothing from it as I see the crap that gets dumped in there.
  13. What is means in Gt Yarmouth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloater_(herring)
  14. Good girl and I detected a smirk once the sweet stuff was in her hands, getting there own way. I have a daughter too.
  15. That avatar is fuckin brill
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