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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. I don't see real meat, more like reformed offal.
  2. Funny you just dissed the Mondeo even though the jag is owned by ford and have mostly ford parts. Which are prob still made you know where.
  3. Nothing's what it used to be as most of the components for all cars are made in you know where. Yes they are running cleaner while the electronic/mechanical components are operating within spec but miles take their toll. Still stay the best cars made were between 1996 and 2006 over here. The Mondeo is a very underrated car, have a look Busa.
  4. Marcel beat me to it.
  5. Sounds a bit like an air leak.
  6. Mandis away again tomorrow so we've done bugga all other than me getting in the shed while she was packing. Just opened a bottle of rose.
  7. Phones do strange things with sound but I wouldn't have put that vid up after hearing that. Only way to know if see in person.
  8. Spotted some next to some Daffs on the road side in the week, not as open as yours.
  9. Does this mean Pete can go for a ride when it's raining.
  10. Once that auto brake is sorted you'll change your mind. I was the same but now I'm used to it and like it. Shit for handbrake turns in the snow though as it won't operate at speed.
  11. Just got out for a bit on the domi to see if I get any oil out of the fork seals and all seems well at the mo. Found some abandoned shit for Pete. Why board a door way, stick another door in said boarded door way and then someone tries to get through it.
  12. I've been using a snap on solus ultra for the last 8 years. Never had the £800 a year updates but now seeing cars I can touch with it. My old place of work also have the same, (with updates at £800 twice a year), but have also got a Launch which they say is much better. The VAG leccy brakes can be done without a diag or workshop mode. Check YouTube.
  13. Not compering your daughter and my misses but evening primrose seems to take the edge off.
  14. Started doing the black one up last year, maybe I'll keep it for spares instead.
  15. Spooky you mention that. Both dominator seals and one on the TDM have just had the cleaning tool run around, cleaned and reassembled, will see how they go before replacing.
  16. Those cb125fs are reasonably trouble free but made in India. Like to think they've got the probs they had with the earlier bikes sorted now but the cg125 was a better bike at the time. She'll love it. I shouldn't be surprised at what they're going for now but I am.
  17. Real clear sounding album too.
  18. Looking at the barrel and head it looks to have a small stroke so I guess they were going for revs more than power.
  19. Bloody woke crap, think us older gen wouldn't see it so bad if it wasn't force fed from every direction.
  20. I think most would say that. The shop floor doing the best they can with the trickle of cash available.
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