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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. I just put the headphones and you've shoved some bloody music on.
  2. Light of the world. Didn't choice them, they were on the evening we went. Didn't disappoint though. Think that was Mandis third time. We stayed in the snooze boxes next to he Abba show. The bar area was smashing out their songs with a few others mixed in. Great atmosphere.
  3. Should of given me a shout, just down the road in Gorleston. Although I've been away for the weekend in London, Mandi did the Abba thing again and I went to Ronnie Scotts.
  4. 4PM sat afternoon, Dad and Nan stuck in front of the tele.
  5. I'd get it on first thing in the morn as said lump would swell during the morn. Hope the op goes well for you. I was told I'd have an inch scar, ended up 4 times that with a big numb area and the bloody thing still gives me trouble so I wear a belt with some of the padding removed at bad times.
  6. Have you tried the pressure belt? I'd put it on in the morn and it was good enough to get me through work. Still bloody uncomfortable at times but got me through the day.
  7. I think it'd be worse for someone taller. My knees would be above the tank.
  8. I wouldn't get on it purely for the riding position. Looks like it's been made to look at rather than ride.
  9. Some great pics here. I went for alfalfa cos I'm a sucker for a seaside pic.
  10. Yes 150nm on my 2018 gt and I've took it up to that serval times without a prob. Could always call the dealers to check.
  11. I think it'll be a few years before we know what's really coming out of the exhaust but both this and the fuel cell seem much better answers than battery power.
  12. Isn't that Cliff and Jenny's place?
  13. Apparently VW and Toyota have stopped production on EV vehicles. I guess they're watching closely the development of the fuel they're going to be using in F1.
  14. We'll be attending the annual family barbecue today. Collect the daughter who made her way from Southampton, through London to Epping. Made it a much easier task. It's also the weekend of the Clifftop Gala on the seafront so we'll get to that at some point too.
  15. I used to give it a squirt when we came back from a ride. I confess I didn't always give it a wipe every time.
  16. Just had a pointer at another. http://dynasurf.co.uk/motorcycle-forks/
  17. Always assumed it was young boys, sick basted either way.
  18. I went off the dry chain lube as our chains were going rusty.
  19. He didn't enjoy either as they're the wrong gender.
  20. Yes please. How long did they say? Thanks. No ruling anyone out yet but I've not had feedback off anyone other than here Couple of local to me people have suggested them after both having forks done and both said good things but I've also had bad in the past.
  21. Anyone had a pair done? Who did you use and good quality job? Ta.
  22. That looks like a toilet outlet
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