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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. Talking of the weather, it’s been ok here all day till about 2hours ago. Blowing and pissing down now.
  2. Have to come back to this when I’m not disturbing the misses trying to watch tele.
  3. And it looks the same kind of size.
  4. Productive few hours had in the sheds. F7 engine back together with it's very worn disc valve, clutch and slightly shorter piston pin as I couldn't get the right size. Rover head back with 4 new exhaust valves, inlets faced, all seats recut and all ground in. My valve spring compressor had a hard time when coming apart so I borrowed this only gem which had no trouble. Prob about 75 years old. I've had to make up a piece of wood which will sit on the under side of the head as the cam is held in with the same head bolts, that way I can get the valve clearances sorted. I'll measure up one cylinder, 2 valves, at a time only fitting the shims and buckets to those so I don't stress the camshaft. I'm told they can snap pretty easily.
  5. Love the front, arse end looks more like a jag.
  6. That was an interesting watch, wider lines in places and being a human horn.
  7. Some of that actually looked edible to me.
  8. I should take a pic of them lined up in the garage covered in dust and boxes.
  9. Why was the colour never changed in that 20 years, I smell something. Oh, hang on that's me.
  10. Thought newbs were vetted to a point. Maybe sign up and do nothing until bam, spam. It's been the most action we've seen in a while.
  11. Nice one Saul, got to see some new stuff. Been cold and drizzle all day here. Stuck an injector in for a mate. Took the clutch cover off the F7 engine as it was locking up, I realised I was going backwards and the kickstart cog was engaging. Numpty.
  12. Fuckers are in for round 2, this wouldn't happen on Petes watch.
  13. Have we been bombed. Mods to aisle 5 please.
  14. I have a charge controller hooked up to an old car battery. I can charge all my lights, drill batteries and phones, run lights etc. The 2 panels are 36volt wired parallel; as the controller can't handle more than 50 volts but can take the amps. It's cost me next to nothing so far, panels were a tenner, charge controller I think was £12. Next step will be the biggest leisure battery I can get.
  15. I was heading back from Beccles a couple of years ago and a bunch of 125s with L plates caught me up in traffic. I managed to loose them when I could use the bikes power but they were soon buzzing all over the place. I moved to the side of the road and let them go.
  16. That looks much better than the grey expanse I have hear, but there's still time.
  17. The end links/bushes are available for a tenner per side, the D rubbers that hold the antiroll bar are around the same. I guess if the labour rate is around £70 ph it's soon up to £200.
  18. What model Gacia you got. Sounds like a lot of money.
  19. Been dark with cold cover here all day. Yesterday I ran a wire from the shed to power the iMac from the solar panels. It's been fine all night and this morn but came in 1/2 hour ago to a black screen. Panels are giving out power but not enough today.
  20. Bloody marvellous you 2. Pics make it look much warmer. Didn't fancy a cupasoup from the English shop then, good choice of flavours too.
  21. Hope you didn't bother cleaning it before round 2.
  22. Looks like someones pulled out on him, truck? Don't go through Insurance, you'll have that back on the road in on time.
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