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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. Bet that woke you up. We were travelling back from Manchester in the car when the kids were younger. We'd just got through Kings lynn when a ford escort who'd just overtaken us had a blow out. It when shooting off into a field and done about 6 roll overs. We and others stopped and glad to find the lady driver and her daughter shaken and covered in glass but otherwise fine. It's the quickest I've seen my Mandi move, I stayed in the car with the kids as they watched it all too.
  2. Good voice, what’s she on about?
  3. I keep the important emails in a separate folder, and then can't find the folder.
  4. Hyundai and Toyota offering Hydrogen cars now. BMW still experimenting at the mo.
  5. Nice work, that'll be great when finished.
  6. Sometimes it's just cheap pads that squeal. Get copper slip on the metal contact areas where the pads sit in the carriers. If they still make noise the misses will have to live with it.
  7. MOT and service with the possibility of front discs and pads today. Would leave it till later, hopefully warmer, but giving bloody at 2pm.
  8. Old hat now but still a good looking car.
  9. It looks lovely but the UK would shut down with that much.
  10. I foresee videos, good work Saul.
  11. Ooo, that sounds bloody cold.
  12. 1 here but like you say much cooler tonight. Hope Clive gets sorted or he might have to cuddle up with the misses. Currently finding everything that needs charging now the panels are up.
  13. Solar panels up and running yesterday, all 2 of them. F7 engine stripped. Watery oil in the crankcase, it's getting expensive and a bummer finding parts. Clutch, gearbox and bore looking ok though.
  14. Couldn't help noticing them uhh her.
  15. Agreed. Although I bet it feels like pissing in the wind trying to get a result. Been in the shed most of the afternoon as it's been raining all day. Made a wood frame to get the solar panels up. Hoping for a dry afternoon to get them up and secured.
  16. Nice work but cheaper with just a relay and a couple of inline fuses or fuse block..
  17. Bloody eck, you've got some time to kill.
  18. Went out a got some shopping she'd forgotten and dumped the excess of empty bottles we'd accumulated, that is all. Sat here and done nothing. Pisses me off when I look back as I'm not normally a lazy basted but I'm still sitting here and now got a bottle of wine open.
  19. Apart from the colour and condition, that's a world apart from the one with the engine I'll be stripping out later.
  20. Mandis having knee probs amongst others and as she's having trouble getting out of her chair we played with extra cushions and then decided to screw some wood to the under side to raise the whole 2 seater. That was yesterday which as always included some shopping. No chocolate readybrek was found so I'm adding some drinking chocolate to the original flavour, not the same though. Currently sitting here watch the rain, haven't got a clue what to do today.
  21. Give it a fluid change too if you're feeling up to it.
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