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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. What a story and what a girl.
  2. I could prob handle that. Your skills would be wasted on me, Mandi would be eating the table said food sat on.
  3. The bread looks awesome. So does the oranges and maybe the omelette. What's the green in said omelette?
  4. He's now saying the US has labs in the Ukraine making chemical weapons and China have agreed. He can now use his chemicals and blame the US.
  5. Putins going to get real dirty if talks don't get anywhere.
  6. Fuckin family, who needs em.
  7. Walked passed a local garage just now, £165.9 for diesel. And it's still going up.
  8. Sorry, first pic of what I pictured in my head. You know I know bugga all about them.
  9. Updates? What are you bolting to it.
  10. Bummer with the needles, must of had some tension on their somewhere. I had a similar thing happen on an inner drive shaft joint on the car. Bloody needles everywhere but did get it all back together again.
  11. I have but still go in on Mondays to help out, and Friday this week.
  12. They're eyes Pedro. Ghosts from pacman.
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