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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. Looks like they've left the engine alone @ 45hp. Wonder if it hemorrhages oil too. Does look well.
  2. Mandi like those too. Shame she can only just handle the weight of the thing she has now.
  3. Back in the day I loved the look of these other than that long bit of plastic behind the rear seat. Always felt it was too long. This however ticks my box. (No puns please).
  4. Battery life is the main prob with all EVs. I'm also watching this stuff develop, not that I'll be first in the queue to buy, think I'd miss the noise too much.
  5. Gonna need some funny rubber to get that power down.
  6. Looks like he saw her coming and froze rather than hit the brake. Bloody insurance will love it as both the renewals will go up.
  7. I bet the build quality is better than the RD08 too.
  8. Swipe her badge, I'm fuckin crying.
  9. Me and a few mates broke in to a shed in a ship yard many moons ago. In said shed there were many explosives. Wood stacks, sheds and cable reels were blown to very many pieces. How the hell we're still alive I don't know.
  10. I can't get my head around this shit at all. It was born female, why does it matter that a piece of paper holds that info. Insecurity? I can only think they need reassurance of some sort.
  11. Don't know why but I though you had a RD02.
  12. Guitars stung for a right hander but I'm with you on the shelving.
  13. Thinking about it, she had a full set of Pfizers.
  14. Booked my 3rd but can't get in till next year, January.
  15. My brothers still on and he talks to a large community. Not sure it's the legal models he owns.
  16. Thought that was going here to start with,
  17. Not often the heaviest and ugliest bike wins anything.
  18. Think Mandi would go up the wall if she could see the kids. Samantha's coming home Christmas Eve. Not sure what the boys have planned yet but sure we'll see them at some point. One of Mandis brothers is heading down for a short week with his family too, staying in North Norfolk.
  19. Remember that, MTV wore the tape out.
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